Planning Assessment

If you'd like to finish well and eliminate avoidable stress for those you care about, then complete this 30-45 second assessment to evaluate your situation.

After completing the questions below and following, you will receive a score. Should you want help in improving your score, a team is standing by to help you bridge any gaps in your planning. We look forward to meeting you!

Some planning and a few good decisions are important for better outcomes, minimizing stress and not overly burdening those in my care.
At any given time, even if I'm not working for any reason, my household has enough savings available or insurance in place to replace any lost income in the event of a loss and/or disability.

My household has a written plan with goals and pathways, beyond Social Security, designed to prevent us from running out of money or altering our lifestyle.

For navigating life issues, I seek out help and feedback from my local community, a small group, a pastor and/or a counselor.

Physically, emotionally and spiritually, I have the help I need to maintain or improve in these areas.
I am pleased with my level of preparation, succession planning and the organization of my important documents (will, trust, medical directives).
Relationships can be challenging, but I'm completely satisfied with the state of my family relationships.
I have itemized all of my assets, passwords & online accounts on behalf of those counting on me to be responsible and manage my affairs.
I am generally grateful and pleased with the direction my life is heading.
If necessary, I am willing to make personal sacrifices with my time and in my spending in order to finish well, to the best of my ability.

d.b.a. Second-Half Heroes | 6301 Waterford Boulevard| Oklahoma City, OK 73118 | (405) 353-9531

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